Analyzing and scoring Gitcoin with the DAO Index V0.9
Please refer to Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) by Samer Hassan and Primavera De Filippi.
Since 2017, Gitcoin has been building tools that enable communities to build, fund and protect what matters to them.
I recently updated the DAO Index questionnaire to Version 0.9. You can find the original post on the update here.
You can find Version 0.9 of the questionnaire below or here.
Completed DAO Index V0.9 questionnaire for Uniswap
Additional note: Some of the questions in the DAO Index V0.9 are meant to be aspirational, to help direct DAOs towards better practices advancing or adhering to the principles.
Fields | Description | Example |
Principle | An organizing principle for DAOs, specific to the particular version of the DAO Index in use | |
Indicator | An area that indicates where a DAO is or can turn the principle into practice | |
Question-ID | The identification number of the question, per principle. | |
Question | A yes/no question written in text to assess whether a DAO’s practices adhere or advance a principle | |
Plain-English | A response to the Question in English (or natural language). | Yes/No/Partial/Does not answer the question, N/A |
Points | The numeric score received for the question, corresponding to the Plain-English response. | |
Explanation | A brief explanation of why the DAO received a certain Plain-English and Point response | |
Sources | The sources referred to in drafting a response | |
Author | The rater(s) or respondent(s) to the Question | |
Notes | Respondent(s) notes regarding a question | |
Search Difficulty | The difficulty in searching for documents to reference to respond to a Question | |
Documents | The documents cited in a Response | |
Snippets | The snippets cited in a Response |
This pub covers the preliminary analysis and scoring of Gitcoin with the DAO Index Version 0.9.
You can find the responses to the DAO Index V0.9 questionnaire for Gitcoin in the embed below.
The embed includes the scores (Points and Plain-English response) and explanation for each question’s response.
Completed DAO Index V0.9 questionnaire for Gitcoin.
Gitcoin received an overall score of 2500/4500 (55.55%).
Gitcoin had an N/A score of 0 (i.e., every question was applicable to Gitcoin).
There were 11 questions that could not be answered because of an inability to locate sources or their non-existence.
Gitcoin’s overall score and score per principle are summarized in the table below.
Principle | Acronym | Score | Total | Percentage |
Broad stakeholder participation | BSP | 550 | 1300 | 42.31% |
Cross-border coordination | CBC | 200 | 300 | 66.67% |
Practicing DAO cooperativism | PDC | 500 | 1100 | 45.45% |
Cultural patterns and Brand | CPB | 200 | 200 | 100% |
Information & Data Transparency | IDT | 500 | 700 | 71.43% |
DAO2DAO | D2D | 200 | 200 | 100% |
Organizational Technology | OT | 250 | 400 | 62.5% |
Human-centered Algorithmic Governance | HCAG | 100 | 300 | 33.33% |
Overall | None | 2500 | 4500 | 55.55% |
N/A | None | 0 | 0 | 0 |
I completed this analysis while concurrently working on Optimism and Synthetix. I found it much easier to work on multiple DAOs concurrently, rather than working on one DAO at a time. It was a bit easier to formulate explanations for each question as I could think about my response in three different contexts.
I added tags to the responses for Gitcoin, Optimism, and Synthetix to make it easier to navigate the responses. For example, OT-04’s response is tagged with Snapshot and Fork of Compound's Governor framework.
I found the search difficulty to be pretty minimal with Gitcoin for the majority of the questions (28 questions had a search difficulty between Easy to Medium). Only 6 questions had a search difficulty rating of Hard.
The documents referenced for each response can be found under the Document field. I did not include any snippets for Gitcoin, Optimism, and Synthetix analyses so that I could speed up my analysis.
I could not find a definitive source for the following eleven questions:
If you are interested in the DAO Index and the analysis of Gitcoin, I encourage you to consider reviewing the completed questionnaire (reviewing responses and questions for veracity, language, etc.) or providing other feedback on the analysis of Gitcoin.
If you or someone you know is interested, please send me a message on Twitter or via email ([email protected]) and I will add you as an editor to the DAO Index Base table. Otherwise, you can make your own copy of the completed questionnaire and review the responses for:
accuracy (Points and Plain-English),
accuracy and quality (Explanation), and
relevancy and quality (Documents and Snippets).